Listen To Your Own Advice

KudaniCloud launched privately via webinar last week.  Why via webinar?.. why not open it wide?  So before I explain why..let me tell you whats been happening in the last few months. With the disruptware podcast doing so well last – I found myself enthused in the process, connecting with entrepreneurs and learning about their stories. […]

Why Aren’t You On Twitter

Today I want to talk about Twitter and Twitter traffic. Are you in or are you out? If you’re not a user of Twitter, then you are missing out on a whole world of folks who are only using Twitter. With you not being in that world, then you’re missing out on a whole potential customer segment and you’re missing out on traffic and authority from that world.

Raise Your Life Time Value Through Cross Selling

Today I want to talk about cross selling and maximizing the lifetime value for your customers. So, as you know for any business online or traditional, getting the customer onboard is the hardest part. So, let’s talk about once you get a customer, how do you maximize the revenue, or the lifetime value, for that customer?

Hot Site: Learn From Other Onboarding Successes

Today I want to talk about a really hot site that’s recently come out called So is a creation by a guy called Samuel Hulick, and Samuel is a designer, a user experienced designer. And what he has done is created what’s called teardowns of really good products.