User Experience Expert Samuel Hulick Discusses Onboarding For SaaS Apps

On today’s show we’re talking to Samuel, who’s the founder of What we normally talk about is SaaS startups and growth and traffic and everything. But Samuel is an expert in user experience. What we’re going to talk about specifically is all about user onboarding for SaaS apps.

Why Aren’t You On Twitter

Today I want to talk about Twitter and Twitter traffic. Are you in or are you out? If you’re not a user of Twitter, then you are missing out on a whole world of folks who are only using Twitter. With you not being in that world, then you’re missing out on a whole potential customer segment and you’re missing out on traffic and authority from that world.

Brand New App Survey-2-Sale Already Doubling Conversions

On today’s show I have a young gentleman called Trevor Page who’s joining me to talk about his new start up which is called Survey-2-Sale. It’s an amazing little app and I’m not going to go into great detail. I’m going to let Trevor explain it to you. Essentially it’s a tool that really increases the sales on any website, right?

MIT, Y Combinator And A Series Of Startups Sparks Innovation For Austin NeuDecker’s Latest Venture Membright

Today, I have Austin Neudecker on the show and Austin is an ex-MIT grad. He’s been in Y Combinator, he’s a serial entrepreneur and heavily involved in the San Diego startup scene. He’s recently launched a new product called Membright. And it’s a fascinating piece of software that runs on the mobile platform.